The Hollow Service 5 Ways You Can Reduce the Amount of Trash You Produce

5 Ways You Can Reduce the Amount of Trash You Produce

5 Ways You Can Reduce the Amount of Trash You Produce post thumbnail image

The average person produces 4.4 pounds of waste daily and about 1.5 tons of solid waste annually. A lot of this waste is avoidable, and there are easy ways that you can reduce the amount of trash removal you produce every day. Here are five tips on how to do so.
1. Compost:
Another way to reduce the amount of trash you produce is to compost your food scraps and organic waste instead of throwing them away. Composting is a great way to reduce methane emissions from landfills, and it’s also an excellent way to fertilize your garden or potted plants.
2. Buy in bulk:
You can also reduce the amount of trash you produce by buying in bulk instead of single-serving items. This will help reduce packaging waste and is often cheaper in the long run. When buying in bulk, bring your reusable bags or containers so you don’t have to use disposable ones.
3. Bring your reusable bag:
Whenever you go shopping, be sure to bring along a reusable shopping bag or two. This will help cut down on plastic bags, which often end up in landfills or as litter. In addition, many stores now offer paper or plastic bags made from recycled materials if you forget your reusable bags at home.
4. Skip the disposables:
Whenever possible, try to avoid using disposable items in your daily life. Disposable items, such as paper cups, plastic utensils, and paper plates, create a lot of waste. Investing in reusable versions of these items – such as a water bottle, travel mug, and reusable silverware – can help reduce the amount of trash you produce.
5. Repair and donate:
Instead of throwing away clothes, shoes, and other items that are no longer used or needed, try repairing them or donating them to charity. Donating items instead of throwing them away helps extend their usable life and keeps them out of landfills.
Following these tips can quickly reduce the trash you produce daily. Every little bit helps; even small changes can make a big difference in the long run. So please do your part to help reduce waste, and the planet will thank you for it.

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